Simulations and models

In this chapter we will create a simulation of the behaviour of many interacting objects. A class describing the behavior and properties of these objects will be defined. We will show how to control them with the use of a timer and signals, and how to pass variable values between the objects.

This chapter is dedicated to intermediate-level users. Before reading, it is advisable to look into the handbook, into the chapter on POOL classes.

1. The first model.

program At the beginning, we will write a very simple class, to be developed in following chapters.
A class in POOL is defined exactly in the same way as a function. In fact, a new object (a turtle) performs at the creation stage the function that defines its class. All the functions and variables then created become the members of that object. Also the parameters of the creating function are preserved for the object’s lifetime as local variables.

In the first version of the program, a model class allows for setting simple features of a turtle: its initial position, heading and speed. These values are passed as arguments of the function that creates the turtle - let’s call this function the constructor. The constructor sets also a drawing colour and a radius of the turtle (now used at bouncing off a wall). Finally, the constructor outputs information on the turtle’s new parameters in a text window.
A model class has one member function: step dt. This function allows to move a turtle forward by a distance resulting from its speed (given as the constructor’s argument) and the dt period of time given as an argument of the function.

The main turtle (#first) program creates two model class turtles. The description of the newturtle command used to do this can be found in the handbook. To move the turtles, the repeat loop calls the step function for each of them. The function to be performed by objects is called by the @ operator in POOL.
A delay in a loop allows to keep a constant pace of program operation execution, appropriate for turtle speed settings.

;turtle constructor with arguments:
; p - initial position {x y}
; h - initial direction in degrees
; v - speed in pixels / second
to model :p :h [:v 60]
  setpos :p
  setheading :h
  setpencolor random 1000
  setradius 10

  ;member function that moves turtle forward,
  ;step size depends on variable v of the turtle and
  ;time in milliseconds, passed to the function as
  ;the argument dt
  to step :dt
    right (runif -20 20)     ;random turn
    forward 0.001 * :dt * :v ;step forward

  (print who "|p =| :p "|h =| :h "|v =| :v)

; -turtles will bounce off a wall
; -turtle #first is invisible and does not draw lines
hideturtle penup

;two turtles of the "model" class, ready for commands:
"m1 := (newturtle $model {-50 0} 30 15) ;left, a bit slower
"m2 := (newturtle $model {50 0} (-50))  ;right, default speed

;step every 0.1s - you may try different values
"dt := 100
repeat 500 [
  sync :dt ;delay
  (step :dt) @ :m1
  (step :dt) @ :m2

2. More independence.

In the previous chapter, the #first turtle controlled the :m1 and :m2 turtles, by issuing commands for them in a loop. A better way of regular command calling is to do it with a timer. A timer does not require programming of delays (sync or wait) and does not block the access to the #first turtle in the command line. In the next version of the program we will use a timer.
The handbook explains how to use a timer. Now, we will use a version, where a timer sends a signal to all the turtles at regular intervals. In the class describing our model, we can receive such a signal with an appropriate handling function - such function will replace the step function from the previous chapter. A value of time needed to calculate the length of the turtle step can be taken from the information included in the signal sent by the timer.

At this stage, we also change the method a new turtle is created. An event handling function is added to the #first turtle program - it handles clicking a mouse (see the description in the handbook). At each click, a new turtle will now appear in the graphic window, and it will immediately begin to handle the signals sent by the timer.

After starting the program and creating a few turtles, switch into the command line. You can give commands - the #first turtle is busy with executing the timer function for a mere fraction of a millisecond. You can check e.g. how many turtles have been created so far: print count children.

;turtle constructor
to model :p :h [:v 60]
  setpos :p
  setheading :h
  (setpencolor random 1000 75)
  setradius 10

  ;handling funkction for the "step" signal
  to onsignalstep :turtle :data
    right (runif -20 20)
    let "dt :data,2 ;time from the previous iteration of timer
    forward 0.001 * :dt * :v

  (print who "|p =| :p "|h =| :h "|v =| :v)

;create new turtle on each click
to onmouseclick :mousepos
  let "m (newt $model :mousepos random 360 20 + random 100)

;configuration of the #first turtle
bounce ht pu

;send signal "step" every 0.5sto all turtles,
;try higher frequency of the timer:
;use values: 100, 50, 20
"t := timer "step 500

3. More cooperation.

In previous programs, each turtle followed its own track and there was no interaction between them. In this chapter, we will make them communicate. Instead of executing random turns, we will calculate a new direction of a turtle in each step - slightly towards other turtles.
The onsignalkrokstep handling function is changed - instead of the right (runif -20 20) turn, we will use a command that will position a turtle according to a given vector: setheaddir turn; turn is a new member function of the model class. It includes a several new elements:

all - a command returning the list of all the turtles existing in the program;

this - a command returning the turtle which called the command; in this case, it allows to avoid calculating the "towards itself" direction: :m <> this;

pos @ :m - reading the position of other turtles.

;turtle constructor
to model :p :h [:v 60]
  setpos :p
  setheading :h
  (setpencolor random 1000 75)
  setradius 10

  ;function to calculate new direction
  to turn
    ;only if there are at least 3 turtles
    if (count all) > 2 [
      let "sx 0 let "sy 0
      foreach "m all [
        ;do not calculate direction to itself
        ;and skip the #first turtle
        if and (:m <> this) (:m <> #first) [
          let "pm pos @ :m ;position of the turtle :m
          let "dx :pm,1 - xcor
          let "dy :pm,2 - ycor
          let "norm sqrt :dx^2 + :dy^2
          "sx := :sx + :dx / :norm
          "sy := :sy + :dy / :norm
      "sx := 0.1 * :sx + 0.9 * headdir,1
      "sy := 0.1 * :sy + 0.9 * headdir,2
      output array :sx :sy ;new direction
    output headdir ;current direction, no changes

  ;handling function for "step" signal
  to onsignalstep :turtle :data
    setheaddir turn ;turn towards other turtles
    fd 0.001 * :data,2 * :v

  (print who "|p =| :p "|h =| :h "|v =| :v)

;create new turtle on each click
to onmouseclick :mousepos
  let "m (newt $model :mousepos random 360 50 + random 100)

;configuration of the #first turtle
bounce ht pu
setpalette "hot ;another palette, for fun

;send signal "step" every 0.05s to all turtles
"t := timer "step 50

The program above looks reasonably and it operates according to our expectations. However, to prepare a more interesting and complex simulation, we need a stricter order - a division into two stages:

calculating changes - preparation of new values for direction, speed, etc.; the state of all the objects is "frozen" and the objects can read each other’s state;

applying changes - the state of objects changes according to the values calculated at the preceding stage; the objects do not communicate with each other.

Such a division allows for simultaneous calculations at each stage, and yields the results that are independent of the calculation running sequence. In order to realize this algorithm, the operation of the timer has to be adjusted so that at each "tick" it would send two signals: the "turn" signal, on which the handling function in the model class will calculate new direction of the turtle on the basis of the arrangement of other turtles; and the "step" signal which will make each turtle turn and move a step ahead. The signals in the new program of the timer are "blocking" signals (see the description in the handbook), that is: execution of commands by the program that has sent a signal is stopped until all the objects finish to handle the signal that has been sent.

Another improvement of the new version is the feature that allows for storing the model class turtles in a shared variable (one copy of a variable is available for all the objects): shared "turtles. Thus, searching the turtle list while a new direction is being calculated is a bit easier.

shared "turtles ;list of turtles of class model
"turtles := []

to model :p :h [:v 60]
  setpos :p
  setheading :h
  (setpencolor random 1000 75)
  setradius 10

  let "dir headdir
  ;handling function for "turn" signal
  to onsignalturn
    if (count :turtles) < 2 [
      "dir := headdir stop
    let "sx 0 let "sy 0
    foreach "m :turtles [
      if :m <> this [
        let "pm pos @ :m
        let "dx :pm,1 - xcor
        let "dy :pm,2 - ycor
        let "norm sqrt :dx^2 + :dy^2
        "sx := :sx + :dx / :norm
        "sy := :sy + :dy / :norm
    "sx := 0.1 * :sx + 0.9 * headdir,1
    "sy := 0.1 * :sy + 0.9 * headdir,2
    "dir := array :sx :sy

  ;handling function for "step" signal
  to onsignalstep :turtle :data
    setheaddir :dir
    fd 0.001 * :data * :v

  (print who "|p =| :p "|h =| :h "|v =| :v)

;create new turtle on each click
to onmouseclick :mousepos
  queue :turtles (newt $model :mousepos random 360 50 + random 100)

;configuration of the #first turtle
bounce ht pu
setpalette "blue2red

;every 0.05s:
"t := timer [
  signalw "turn      ;blocking signal "turn"
  (signalw "step :dt;blocking signal "step"
] 50

4. Full simulation.

We have now all the elements needed for programming a simulation. It will be a particle model with a mass–dependent inertia and an attracting or repealing electric-like charge. Using GUI sliders, you can change an interaction force (the "force" slider) and mass proportions (the "asymmetry" slider).

shared "particles
"particles := []

to model :q :mass [:v 0] [:h 0] [:ft 0.001] [:c 90]
  to set_force :g    ;set new value of the interaction constant:
    "c := -(:q * :g;charge * interaction constant

  to set_mass :m  ;set new mass of the particle
    ;radius depends on the mass value:
    setr 10 * sqrt :m
    "mass := :m

  "charge := :q ;publicly accessible value of the charge
  set_mass :mass
  set_force :c
  setpos pos @ parent
  seth :h

  let "fx 0 ;sum of forces in X direction
  let "fy 0 ;sum of forces in Y direction
  to onsignalf  ;calculate sum of forces on "f" signal
    "fx := 0 "fy := 0
    foreach "m :particles [
      if :m <> this [
        let "p pos @ :m
        let "r radius + radius @ :m
        let "d distance :p
        ifelse :d > :r
          [let "fm (:c * :charge @ :m) / :d^3]
          [let "fm (:c * :charge @ :m) / :r^3]
        "fx += :fm * (:p,1 - xcor)
        "fy += :fm * (:p,2 - ycor)

  to onsignalstep :turtle :data
    let "dt 0.01 * :data
    if :dt > 0.8 ["dt := 0.8]

    let "hdir headdir
    :hdir,1 := :v * :hdir,1 + :fx * :dt / :mass
    :hdir,2 := :v * :hdir,2 + :fy * :dt / :mass
    "v := sqrt :hdir,1^2 + :hdir,2^2
    if :v > 30 ["v := 30]
    setheaddir :hdir

    let "ds :v * :dt
    "v -= :ds * :ft / :mass
    if :v < 0 ["v := 0]
    fd :ds

bounce ht pu

repeat 30 [ ;red particles, "positive", heavier
  setxy (rnorm -30 30) (rnorm -10 30)
  "m := (newt $model 1 0.7)
  (setturtleimg "red_light_small) @ :m
  queue :particles :m

repeat 30 [ ;blue particles, "negative", lighter
  setxy (rnorm 30 30) (rnorm -10 30)
  "m := (newt $model (-1) 0.3)
  (setturtleimg "blue_light_small) @ :m
  queue :particles :m

;one yellow, heavy particle:
"m := (newt $model 3 2 4 45 0)
(setturtleimg "yellow_light) @ :m
queue :particles :m

;slider for "interaction constant"
"gs := (slider "force {10 4} {10 100 5} 90)
setonchange :gs [
  foreach "m :particles [(set_force getvalue :gs) @ :m]

;slider for mass proportions
"sym := (slider "asymmetry {10 60} {-0.9 0.9 0.1} 0.4)
setonchange :sym [
  let "s 0.5 * (1 + getvalue :sym)
  foreach "m :particles [
    if :charge @ :m = 1 [(set_mass :s) @ :m]
    if :charge @ :m = -1 [(set_mass 1 - :s) @ :m]

"t := timer [
  signalw "f
  (signalw "step :dt)
] 25

5. Summary.

This article presents the most fundamental techniques used for preparing a simulation consisting of many interacting objects: the description of the properties and behavior of objects by classes, the application of a timer for simulation steps to be taken at regular intervals, and signals - to trigger off parallel tasks.
The simulation we prepared is based on very simple principles - inertia and a force resembling an electrostatic force. Even such a simple description allows to notice an interesting behavior of a group of objects. The program can serve as a basis for creating a more realistic description, e.g. complemented with other ways of interaction or with different object models. Interactive elements responding to user’s actions are also worth adding.