word - create a word list - create a list sentence, se - create a list array - create an array from values newarray - create an array of given size genarray - create an array using code range - create array of integers from a range plist - create a dictionary
fput - create a copy with a new entry in front lput - create a copy with a new entry at the end
readlist - read list from a file readarray - read array from a file readimage - read image from a file readmatrix - read matrix from a file readnumpy - read array from a numpy file
timer - create a timer image - create an image
listtoarray - create an array from a list arraytolist - create a list from an array toword - convert to a word parse - create a list from a word
newo, newobject - create object (synchronous constructor) anewo, anewobject - create object (asynchronous constructor) newobjects - create many objects (synchronous constructor) anewobjects - create many objects (asynchronous constructor)
newp, newplot - create plot (synchronous constructor) anewp, anewplot - create plot (asynchronous constructor)
newt, newturtle - create turtle (synchronous constructor) anewt, anewturtle - create turtle (asynchronous constructor) newturtles - create many turtles (synchronous constructor) anewturtles - create many turtles (asynchronous constructor)
See also:
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