Plots in POOL

Plot in POOL is an object, just like turtle, displayed in the graphics window (main, or one of the graphics tabs). The grahical representation of the plot is a visualisation of :data variable content. Data collection contained in this variable may be visualised in one of several modes (y = f(x), color = f(x,y), ...) depending on the configuration set in :style variable. Both variables, :data and :style are automaticaly initialized for each plot.

Constructing the plot

New plot is created with newplot or anewplot instruction. The instruction list or function provided to these plot constructors should fill the :data variable as well as configure the mode and style of data visualisation (initial value of :data is just a single point: {0, 0}, displayed according to the :style settings), as in the following example:

Example 1:

"p := newplot "FunctionPlot [
  ;instructions executed during the plot construction:
  "data := genarray 720 [
    let "x 2 * m_pi * :index / 360
    let "y (radsin :x) / :x
    array :x :y
  :style,"mode := "line
  setr 0

;adjust range displayed in the FunctionPlot window:
:functionplot_canvas_cfg,"min_x := 0
:functionplot_canvas_cfg,"max_x := 4 * m_pi
:functionplot_canvas_cfg,"min_y := -0.4
:functionplot_canvas_cfg,"max_y := 1.1

Plots will display data available in other objects in the most of practical cases. Library of classes and functions make_plots.l facilitates implementation of the usual usage of plots. All make_XX functions in this library return plots derived from the base class:

to plot_base
  to get_myself op this end
  to set_data :d "data := :d refresh end
  to set_style :name :val
    :style,:name := :val

Change (update) of displayed data is possible with set_data :d function of the above class; plot style properties may be changed with set_style :name :val function. make_XX functions use asynchronous plot constructors to speed up creation of multiple plots. In order to allow synchronization the new plots are returned as promises (get_myself function) - any operation (e.g. print) using such variable will wait until the value (plot in thic case) is ready to use.

Line plot y=f(x)

make_line :data [:c color] [:s 1] [:r 0] [:name "Plot]

Creates line plot of y=f(x). Consecutive data points are interconnected with a line. Optional parameters of make_line function have the following meaning: :c - line color, by default it is the next color in the plot colors table; :s - line thickness; :r - size of points, default value of 0 disables data point drawing; :name - name of the window, where the new plot is added.

Example 2:
The same plot as in Example 1, but created with make_line function; displayed range is adjusted with setrange function, also available in the make_plots.l library.

include "make_plots.l

"fxy := genarray 720 [
  let "x 2 * m_pi * :index / 360
  let "y (radsin :x) / :x
  array :x :y

"p := make_line :fxy

setrange world @ :p {0 12} {-0.4 1.1}

Scatter plot of {x,y} points

make_xy :data [:c color] [:s "none] [:r 0.5] [:img "fcircle] [:name "Plot]

Creates scatter plot of {x,y} points. Points are not connected with line, and the order of points is not relevant. Additional properties can be visualised as a size or color of points. Optional parameters of make_xy function are followig: :c - color of points, if the argument is a number, it is used as index of the column of values used as color, otherwise the argument should be a array of color components or a name of constant color; :s - index of column of values used to calculate point sizes relative to the maximum size; :r - maximum size of points; :img - name of points symbol; :name - name of the window, where the new plot is added.

Example 3:

include "make_plots.l

to frnd
  let "x 90 + rnorm 90
  let "y (rnorm 1) * sin :x
  let "z abs :y
  let "u abs :z - (abs sin :x)
  op (array :x :y :z :u)

"d := genarray 5000 [frnd]
"p := (make_xy :d "purple 4 5 "dot)
(set_style "opacity 3) @ :p

setrange "Plot {-150 320} {-3 3}

Matrix Ay,x=f(x,y) plot

make_2d :data [:c color] [:s "none] [:r 1] [:img "patch] [:name "Plot]

Matrix rows are stored in the :data variable as collections of items, where each item may be a single value or a vector of multiple properties visualised on the plot. Optional parameters of make_2d function are following: :c - color of displayed points, if this argument is a number, it is used as an index to the value in the properties vector which is used as color, otherwise the argument should be a array of color components or a name of constant color; :s - index to the value in the properties vector which is used to calculate size of points relative to the maximum size; :r - distance between points in columns and rows of the matrix; :img - name of the symbol used to draw points; :name - name of the window, where the new plot is added.

Example 4:

include "make_plots.l

to fmatrix :m :n
  let "mx (newarray :m newarray :n)
  for [r 1 :m] [
    for [c 1 :n] [:mx,:r,:c := (cos 0.03*:r^2) * (sin 0.02*:c^2)]
  op :mx

"h := 100 "w := 200
"p := (make_2d fmatrix :h :w 1)

setrange "Plot array 0 :w array 0 :h

Set range displayed in the window

setrange :name :rx :ry

Set X and Y axis range displayed in the grahics window :name (note, the name of the main graphics window is pool). The new ranges should be provided as a 2-element collections composed of minimum and maximum value, :rx for X axis and :ry for Y axis, as it is shown in examples 2-4.

Automatic range adjusment

autoscale :name [:axes "xy]

Rage displayed in the window :name may be adjusted automatically with the autoscale function in order to contain all data points. Both X and Y axes are adjusted by default. Optional parameter :axes allows to select which axis should be adjusted, in this case parameter should contain letter corresponding to the selected axis.

Example 5:

include "make_plots.l

"d := genarray 5000 [array rnorm 100 rnorm 150]
"p := (make_xy :d "purple "none 1)

autoscale "Plot

See also:

Turtle - plot - object
Synchronization of multiple objects

newp, newplot - create plot (synchronous constructor)
anewp, anewplot - create plot (asynchronous constructor)
histogram - calculate histogram (includes examples of histogram plots)

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