Create new color
setcolor index color
(setcolor index color opacity)
Set new color under specified index in the current color palette.
Color can be specified as a name, index in the current palette of colors or a list or array of
color compunds: {r g b}
or {r g b opacity}
. The range of compoud values is from 0
(off) to 100 (full brightness), opacity values are from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
"n := 1000
repeat :n [
"r := 100 * power repcount / :n 0.2
"g := 100 * sin 90 * repcount / :n
"b := 100 * cos 90 * repcount / :n
setcolor repcount (array :r :g :b)
pu setxy -250 0 pd
repeat 500 [
pu setxy repcount-250 (-10) pd
setpc 2*repcount fd 20
A strip of colors from the newly created palette.
See also:
Table of Content